In Russia considered poor. Now they are in the country just over 20 million people. However, experts say, as compared with the same period in 2009 the number of our citizens who live below the poverty line declined by 4 million people, such data are published Rosstat. Now living wage in Russia is slightly more than 5 thousand rubles per person per month.
The authorities in Dagestan rebels make a final warning: either they stop their extremist activities and surrender, or they will be destroyed. On this Thursday night told the first deputy prime minister of Dagestan Rizwan Kurbanov of meeting of the Security Council of the Republic. Among the specific measures to combat militants Kurbanov mentioned the establishment of the structure of the republican Interior Ministry special unit, numbering about 800 people, which will deal exclusively with the "forest brothers". He also mentioned that the creation of settlements in the militias in the region to combat militants.
More than 50 years of his life he devoted to the Russian language. More recently, George Sivridi turned 80. He is the author of myriad articles, methodological development and textbooks on language. A method of his teaching, many students use everywhere. In his cozy little office razverneshsya not hinder the book, loved violets, gifts from alumni. They come from all corners of the republic, in a hurry to congratulate beloved teacher on the jubilee. 80 years - not a small date. And once George Sivridi arrived in Dagestan was a child. Alone with his mother had to go through a difficult time of war. It was only announced by the country's universal education managed to finish my studies and obtain higher education. After graduating from high school on the distribution Sivridi George finds himself in a rural school. His first disciples - the guys from Bashlykenta - remember it until now. To them he was the first teacher in higher education, and his Russian lessons to r
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Already being in Moscow, Magomedsalam Magomedov met with Russian President's Plenipotentiary in the North Caucasus Federal District Alexander Khloponin. During the meeting the socio-political and socio-economic situation in the region. Among the pressing issues - the draft Strategy of socio-economic development of North-Kavkazzskogo Federal District, in part related to the Republic of Dagestan. To reflect the interests of the republic in the document, it was agreed to continue joint work on developing the Strategy. For this purpose, will create a dedicated e nsions group of Dagestan, which will soon arrive in the republic for a more detailed study of issues of participation and reflection Daghestan projects in the Strategy.
"Minimum wage under the law" - the motto of a continuing campaign of Trade Unions of Russia. It lasts two years, and its basic requirements - the revised minimum wage. Under the law, according to unions, a person must receive a salary, consisting of three parts: the salary of 4330 rubles, compensation and incentive bonuses. But in fact, comes not so - all allowances are dissolved in the amount of salary. Given the repeated appeals of citizens in the courts, initially supported the protest, and then withdrew its verdict in the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the country. But, according to trade unions, the rally will continue until the meeting of the Tripartite Commission would not support the just demands. Public outreach will be conducted in all institutions. Solidarity with their colleagues have shown and Dagestani trade unionists.
The situation on anthrax discussed today at a press conference of the Committee for Veterinary Dagestan. Currently, according to experts in Dagestan epizootic situation in comparison with other years, the sum is normal. Although occasional outbreaks of dangerous infectious diseases still occur. For example, in June this situation has arisen in Untsukulsky area where a suspected anthrax was hospitalized for 6 people. In addition, in the republic there are areas where there has been brucellosis, and not only animals but people. According to recent data, only the disease infected more than 90 people. According to the chairman of the Committee for Veterinary Magomed Gazimagomedova appearance of anthrax in Dagestan is the result of insufficient attention to the needs of municipalities to comply with veterinary legislation. The main problem in this work is the lack of homestead accounting and animals of veterinary and preventive measures.
A few hours later in Makhachkala will be a press conference of Young Guard of United Russia. It is devoted to summing up the mini-grant competition, held in the framework of the project "Youth Leadership Network peacekeeping" in the country. At a press conference prepared a presentation of two projects. The first - "The Chess Corner - a way to communicate", whose purpose - to integrate with the game of chess, children with disabilities in communication, through participation in chess tournaments. And the second - the republican public poll "Who among us tolerant?". It was conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of the republic of trainings in the framework of the project "Youth Leadership Network peacekeeping, analyzing the situation in youth municipalities where were their own training.
In the Middle Ages in Europe, becoming art of stained glass has been directly linked to an active temple construction. The colorful, stained-glass compositions were a message of salvation and understanding of medieval society and its rulers. Now stained glass artists - a rarity not only in Europe but also in Russia. But mahachkalinets Amirkhan Magomedov love with the art collection of stained glass has devoted ten years. That's a piece of glass eyeglass, and going to this clever puzzle, to be exact - the art of stained glass. Amirkhan Magomedov assembling stained glass is engaged for 10 years and had never regretted that he had changed his prestigious career economist at the complex, but exciting work on the master stained glass windows. The history of glass as old as mankind. It goes back to the second millennium BC, when ancient Egyptians learned to make vessels of this material. But what we today call the stained-glass window, appeared only in the era of early Christia
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In Dokuzparinskom area in the village Usuhchay, solemnly opened a new fire station. Cut a symbolic red ribbon profit Minister of Social Development of the Republic Ismail Efendiev, chief Russian Ministry of Emergency in the country Nariman Kazimagamedov and head of the municipality "Dokuzparinsky District Kerimhan Abbasov. Opening of a new fire station allowed to employ more than 20 residents of the village - a 16 firefighters and five dispatchers service 01. The head of the district in his welcome speech thanked the President of the Republic, Prime Minister of RD and direct supervisor of the program to create new fire departments - Rizvanov Gazimagomedovu enormous contributions in promoting fire safety of the territory and population.
Today, a nonprofit organization Tolerance celebrated her 5-year anniversary. I take this opportunity to a frank conversation, invited representatives of the Ministry for National Policy, Religion and Foreign Affairs, heads of municipalities, heads of other public non-profit organizations and journalists of republican mass media. We discussed the main tasks of the organization and methods of their solution. Today Tolerance under their own slogans gathered about 300 people. Statutory objective non-profit activities - to promote the formation of civil society as far as conditions allow republic. In Dagestan, nonprofit organizations more than 2 thousand, and such as Tolerance can be counted on the fingers, said deputy chairman of the Public Chamber Alyuset Azizhanov. Its representatives are actively working on the areas on the ground and try to solve the most urgent topics. In the circle of the most discussed issues of popular participation bodies of state power, the use of the creative po
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