At the beginning of our era in the modern nation of Dagestan is part of Caucasian Albania.
From VI to XI century, most of the mountainous Dagestan united under the rule of feudal kingdom with its capital in Sarir Khunzakh. Dynasty rulers, Christians, was in a relationship with the Persian shahin-shah-Sasanids.
During Arabic-Khazar wars in VII-X century a large part of Caucasian Albania, including the northern (lowland) part of the modern Dagestan occupy Khazars.
In the VII century Derbent becomes a key point of the Caliphate, in the eastern Caucasus is beginning to penetrate Islam. From IX to XI century is the separation of Derbent emirate of the Caliphate.
At the beginning of XII century on the ruins of Sarir is emerging Muslim kingdom - Shamhalstvo with its capital in Qazi Kumuhe. At the beginning of the XIV century it is attested in written sources as Dagestan.
In the years 1239-40 came the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols inner Dagestan. Tatar-Mongol troops, passing through the Maritime and Southern Dagestan, invaded Ghazi Kumuhskogo shamhalstva.
At the end of XIV century - the fight mountaineers with Tamerlane. In 1395 Tamerlane penetrated through the passage of Derbent in Dagestan ownership. Hikes of its troops accompanied by massive destruction of Dagestan population. Due to the fact that a number of Dagestani feudal lords supported the opponent of Tamerlane - Tohtamish. Foothills and south of Dagestan were virtually deserted.
In the XV century in Dagestan finally and universally applies to Islam. Dagestan will begin to spread Islam in the North Caucasus
From 1588 to 1607 was a Russian-shamhalskaya war initiated by the Moscow government to help its ally, the king of Kakheti Alexander. The world has not been concluded, the end of the war is an exchange of prisoners in 1607, Mr. mediated by the Persian Shah Abbas I, after which was restored the status quo.
In 1594 he was the campaign the troops of Tsar Fedor Ivanovich, under the command of generals on Khvorostinin Shamhalstvo to sit on shamhalstvo matchmaker king Kakheti Alexander. Russian troops took the city Tarki, but were trapped troops Shamhal and his ally Avar Khan. Voivod Khvorostinin, without waiting for the arrival of a Georgian with a contender for shamhalstvo, decided to leave Dagestan, and return to the Terek, breaking through the blockade. In the Terek returned only a quarter of the detachment (a total of about 2500 people).
In 1604 took place on march the troops of Tsar Boris Godunov in shamhalstvo, intends to establish in Tarka jail. Secondary captured by Russian troops Tarkov. But the troops Shamhal led by his son Sultan Muta dislodged from the Russian forts on the Sulak and Aktaş. After unsuccessful attempts to Sultan Mahmud discourage Tarki back Buturlin agrees with Shamkhalov of free retreat for the Sulak. In celebration of Bairam, the imams allowed Shamhal from the curse, this wrong. And Sultan Mouth moved behind the retreating Russian caught up with them at the river Ozen. In three hours of bloody battle killed nearly all the Russian army and the two generals. Among the dead was the Sultan himself Daghestanians Mouth.
In the XVII century, the struggle between the Russian and Persian states provokes feudal disunity and internal strife, which have resulted in Dagestan Shamhalstvo begins to disintegrate on inheritances. In addition Shamkhalov begin to lose control of the republican communities and their unions (the so-called "free society").
In 1642 was formed Tarkovsky shamhalstvo and other possessions. Alivek II creates Kazikumuhskoe Khanate, which plays an important role in the protection of Dagestan from the Persian and Russian invaders.
In the years 1668-1669 held a "Persian war" Don Cossack Stepan Razin - walking up to the territory of Turkmenistan, the Persians, Azeris, Cossacks defeated the Persian army and navy, in this campaign destroyed the town of Derbent
In the XVIII century is held in Dagestani conflict with tsarist Russia and Persia
In 1721 Surkhay Khan I, Haji Dawood and utsmy Ahmed Khan again take Shemakha and precipitated Ganja. In the same year Surkhay Khan I dismiss qizilbash Kabala town. Utsmy, Ahmad Khan Kaytagsky with Hadji Daud capture distant Ardebil in Iran.
In the Russian Empire
• 1722-1735 years. - Second-Russian Dagestan war. The campaign of Peter I on Dagestan. Russian troops formally joins the entire coast of the Caspian Sea (Gilan and Mazandaran including). After the death of Peter I of Persia refuses the conditions of the contract and once again tries to capture the shore of the Caspian Sea.
• 1734, 1736, 1741-1743 years. - A campaign of Nadir Shah in Dagestan and its defeat in Andalan-Turchidagskom battle.
• 1813 - the struggle with Persia, Russia completed the terms of the Gulistan Peace denial of Persia from its claim to the eastern Caucasus and the Central Caucasus.
• Beginning of 20-ies of the XIX century - Russian troops completed the conquest Dagestani feudal estates (Shamhalstvo Tarkovsky, Kazikumuhskoe Khanate, Mehtulinskoe Khanate Avar nutsalstvo, Kaytagskoe utsmiystvo, Tabasaran maasumstvo)
• 1829-1859 years. - The Third Russian-Dagestan War, led by three imams turns into the Great Caucasian War. State Imamate in Dagestan and Chechnya
• 1860 - founded Dagestan region of the Russian Empire under the "military-national governance.
• 1860-1867 years. - Under various pretexts, the Russian military and colonial administration eliminates the Dagestani feudal tenure, vassal of the Russian Empire. The latter is obliged to renounce control Shamsutdin-Shamhal (1860-1867 years)..
• 1877 - universal sharia uprising in Dagestan as a reaction to the beginning of Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. Provoked by news of the successful landing of Mohajirs in Abkhazia and the coming of the son of Imam Shamil - Marshal of the Ottoman army Ghazi Muhammad under Kars. The main centers of rebellion: Ichkeria Sogratl, Ghazi Kumuh, Tsudahar, Teletl, Styria and other short-term restoration of the majority of khanate. Despite initial successes (take Kazi Kumuhskoy fortress and the destruction of Russian garrison), the revolt is suppressed, the major ringleaders were executed, thousands of participants and the families of suspects sent to different regions of Russia (from Karelia to Irkutsk).
Soviet period
January 20, 1921 was established Dagestan ASSR.
In 1929 was carried out administrative reform, which resulted in instead of the 10 districts was established 28 districts.
In 1937, under the Constitution of the USSR adopted a new Constitution of Dagestan.
In 1944 was founded the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Northern Caucasus (the Duma), headed by the Mufti, whose residence was the city of Buinaksk.
In 1990 was founded the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan (DUMD) due to the collapse of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Northern Caucasus.
• September 17, 1991 - change of status and renaming the Dagestan Soviet Socialist Republic, and on 17 December 1991 - the Republic of Dagestan.
• 1994 - adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Dagestan.
• 1996 - hostage-taking militants Salman Raduyev in Kizlyar. Suicide terrorists apartment block in the Caspian.
• May 21, 1998 - Makhachkala - brothers Hachilaevy his supporters seized the government building and the State Council of the Republic and subject him to defeat.
• 1999 - The Wahhabi rebellion in the western and central Dagestan and its suppression. The invasion of Chechen separatists in Dagestan and their subsequent destruction. The terrorist acts of the separatists against civilians, the bloodiest of which was the explosion of 5-storey building in Buinaksk.
• 2002 - the bombing of the military band at a celebration on May 9 in the Caspian. During the period from 2002 to present participants of a religious extremist underground Dagestan committed dozens of terrorist acts
• 2006 - at the suggestion of Vladimir Putin, Muhu Aliev became the first president of the republic.
• 2009 - the murder of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Dagestan Adilgereya Magomedtagirov.
• 2010 - February 11, at the suggestion of Dmitry Medvedev Magomedsalam Magomedov becomes the second president of the republic.