According to the National Anti-Terrorist Committee of Russia in Dagestan, the FSB and the Russian Interior Ministry as a result of spetsopertsii been arrested six suspected suicide bombers aged 15 to 29 years and the second accompanying their men. One of them, according to the NAC delivered bombers, in the Moscow subway in March of this year, when the explosions occurred at the station "Lubyanka" and "Amusement Park". As it turned out four of the detained young women widowed earlier neutralized the militants. Incidentally, two of them are missing, and has been subjected to criminal liability for possession of weapons. In the apartment, where they were detained "suicide" found the attributes of criminal activity - two "suicide bomber belts, necessary tools for change and a religious literature of jihad, a notebook with the number of motor vehicles law enforcement officers and two cartridges are loaded pistol Makarov, one with a silencer .
In Khasavyurt in the sports school of Olympic reserve "Spartacus" was held the 33rd international tournament in wrestling "Friendship, Peace to the Caucasus." Of the eight possible from the carpet hosts four medals highest order, one gold award went to the Sakha-Yakutia, Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Chechnya and in the Krasnodar region. These competitions in wrestling, unlike many in the northern capital of Dagestan, have a long history. Their creators have realized almost all of it, dreamed about. Every year, friends they keep coming. And in this great merit Director RSDYUSSHOR "Spartacus" (Khasavyurt) Alikhan Dzhamaldinova. At the 33rd International Tournament in freestyle wrestling in Khasavyurt in addition to traditional teams from Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan now come for visitors from Jordan and Belgium. At that first brought the two compounds. Competitions wrestlers were within two days. Winners of eight sets of medals identified 183 par
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A few hours later in Makhachkala will be a press conference of Young Guard of United Russia. It is devoted to summing up the mini-grant competition, held in the framework of the project "Youth Leadership Network peacekeeping" in the country. At a press conference prepared a presentation of two projects. The first - "The Chess Corner - a way to communicate", whose purpose - to integrate with the game of chess, children with disabilities in communication, through participation in chess tournaments. And the second - the republican public poll "Who among us tolerant?". It was conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of the republic of trainings in the framework of the project "Youth Leadership Network peacekeeping, analyzing the situation in youth municipalities where were their own training.
In the Middle Ages in Europe, becoming art of stained glass has been directly linked to an active temple construction. The colorful, stained-glass compositions were a message of salvation and understanding of medieval society and its rulers. Now stained glass artists - a rarity not only in Europe but also in Russia. But mahachkalinets Amirkhan Magomedov love with the art collection of stained glass has devoted ten years. That's a piece of glass eyeglass, and going to this clever puzzle, to be exact - the art of stained glass. Amirkhan Magomedov assembling stained glass is engaged for 10 years and had never regretted that he had changed his prestigious career economist at the complex, but exciting work on the master stained glass windows. The history of glass as old as mankind. It goes back to the second millennium BC, when ancient Egyptians learned to make vessels of this material. But what we today call the stained-glass window, appeared only in the era of early Christia
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In Dokuzparinskom area in the village Usuhchay, solemnly opened a new fire station. Cut a symbolic red ribbon profit Minister of Social Development of the Republic Ismail Efendiev, chief Russian Ministry of Emergency in the country Nariman Kazimagamedov and head of the municipality "Dokuzparinsky District Kerimhan Abbasov. Opening of a new fire station allowed to employ more than 20 residents of the village - a 16 firefighters and five dispatchers service 01. The head of the district in his welcome speech thanked the President of the Republic, Prime Minister of RD and direct supervisor of the program to create new fire departments - Rizvanov Gazimagomedovu enormous contributions in promoting fire safety of the territory and population.
Today, a nonprofit organization Tolerance celebrated her 5-year anniversary. I take this opportunity to a frank conversation, invited representatives of the Ministry for National Policy, Religion and Foreign Affairs, heads of municipalities, heads of other public non-profit organizations and journalists of republican mass media. We discussed the main tasks of the organization and methods of their solution. Today Tolerance under their own slogans gathered about 300 people. Statutory objective non-profit activities - to promote the formation of civil society as far as conditions allow republic. In Dagestan, nonprofit organizations more than 2 thousand, and such as Tolerance can be counted on the fingers, said deputy chairman of the Public Chamber Alyuset Azizhanov. Its representatives are actively working on the areas on the ground and try to solve the most urgent topics. In the circle of the most discussed issues of popular participation bodies of state power, the use of the creative po
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Today in Makhachkala on an official visit to Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of President of Russia in the North Caucasus Federal District Maxim Bystrov and deputy chairman of Gazprom Valery Golubev. At the airport, the delegation met the president of Dagestan Magomedsalam Magomedov, deputy chairman of the Government Rizwan Gazimagomedov and other officials. Straight from the airport delegation went to the village Tanusi Hunzahskogo area where passed familiarization with the program of gasification of the region. At this hour of delegation is in the company Gazpromtransgaz-Makhachkala, where the meeting is held on the supply of the republic.
Today in the conference hall of the National Library held a press conference on the preparation and participation of the youth delegation of the republic in the youth education camp Caucasian house-2010. Held its head a working group on organization of work camps Maksim Abrahimov. He immediately informed about the changes that have taken place - the fact that the venue was decided to transfer from Kislovodsk in Pyatigorsk, and, accordingly, now the camp is called "Mashuk - 2010. This educational project will bring together thousands of the best representatives of the youth of the North Caucasus are interested in politics.
night in Khasavyurt was killed by unidentified deputy chief of the
Criminal Investigation Department of Internal Affairs Ahmed Khasavyurt
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According to the State Department "Daghestan Center hydremeteorological" in the territory of Dagestan in the period 12-13 July 2010 the temperature will rise to 44 degrees Celsius. In this regard, MOE is drawn with a warning to the inhabitants of the republic of the high probability in these days of solar and thermal shock and encourages them to take precautions. RIA "Dagestan"
In the museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy in the Small Pirogov Shchekino district near Tula installed a memorial stone to one of the most famous heroes of the works of Leo Tolstoy - Hadji Murad, said "TV Center. Tula. The huge stone weighing 30 tons, was specially brought from Hunzahskogo district of Dagestan. More than a year ago Tula museum workers appealed to the President of the republic's assistance in transporting stone to the place where Leo Tolstoy decided to write a novel "Hadji Murad". Inauguration of the monument will be held August 21, 2010. The ceremony will bring together representatives of the genus Tolstykh from around the world. Activities will focus on the 100 anniversary of the death of LN Tolstoy. RIA "Dagestan"
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