In the sports complex named after Ali Aliyev held the 12th All-Russian Judo Tournament among youth. The tournament is dedicated to the memory of master of sports of the Soviet Union Zubair Hizrieva. In the struggle for medals in the battle to take 138 athletes.
Zubair Hizri at one time brought Magomedbeka Aliyev and Ruslan Gamzatova. Both in the early 90's have serious results, Aliyev participated in the Olympic Games, now a senior coach of Dagestan. Gamzatov - champion of the country and the Games of the Soviet Union. Recent successful performances judoka of Dagestan of the Russian team at the European Championships in Austria and the World Cup in Egypt was called now and then, in the 90's, the unprecedented interest in judo country. Because the tournament name Hiz0rieva genuine interest.
Currently, students Zubair Hizrieva productive work coaches. Twenty Haybulla Magomedov, ward Magomedbeka Aliyev recently in Ulyanovsk, on the way to the finals, four wins ahead
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